About this blog

09/10/2011 15:57

Welcome to iPP


This blog's aim is first to create a data base mostly for beginners who

wish to start developing apps and games for the iPhone.


What I would like to offer is help and advice in an easy, quick and effishent

way while creating understanding of what basicly is going on in the

proccess of my examples.


In the "tuturials" section you will find helpful guides that will cover the most

basics and quick ways (to my knolage) and will help you understand more

the structure of coding and putting it all toghether to be able to transfer

an idea from your mind to the iPhone.


The "quick help" will be used as a database for quick solutions to common

probloms as well as a place where you can learn how to do specific actions

that will give you quick understanding of the proccess.


Bookmark us and keep up with our Blog to get news and information about

the contact in this website.


Have fun and feel free to write us for suggestions and requests.